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HubSpot CRM

Why HubSpot Is the Ideal Tool for Nonprofits

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7-minute read

Nonprofits are rampant in the U.S., with this country having 1.3 million of them, employing 11.9 million Americans. Despite this, there are not very many online tools available to help them develop their company.

But one platform that is particularly useful for nonprofits is HubSpot. Its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is something that is used by both businesses and nonprofits. However, it offers several benefits that are particularly beneficial for nonprofits, which make it the ideal tool for them to use. Here are the many reasons why HubSpot should be embraced by nonprofits.

Its Main Focus Is Relationship Management

Relationships are of the utmost importance for nonprofits due to the fact that they live or die on their connection with individuals within the community. A big part of this is the fact that individual contributors are the main source of funding for nonprofits. In fact, 68 percent of donations to nonprofits came from individuals in 2018. So unless a nonprofit makes sure to maintain their professional relationship with individuals, then they risk losing over two-thirds of their donation funding.

HubSpot makes relationship management effortless by providing a detailed breakdown of your entire relationship history when you click on a specific contact. So if you have ever sent someone an email, note, or had any other sort of contact with them, then this will be included in this one place. You can even add additional notes in the file that will help you better manage the contact. Therefore, these contacts become more than just a name on a spreadsheet that you’re trying to get money from.

It Streamlines Communication

While profitable businesses usually hire enough employees to easily handle their workload, nonprofits often have to be a bit more conservative with the number of people that they hire. This is because they have a very limited amount of funds and can only employ as many people as the budget allows. Therefore, nonprofits often have one person handling two or even different jobs.

With all of this task juggling, it can be difficult to find the time to sufficiently do everything. That’s why it is so valuable to have a tool that allows you to streamline any part of your job. With HubSpot, you have the ability to streamline your communication, which is arguably one of the biggest tasks in running a nonprofit.

HubSpot does this by providing you with an extremely organized system where you can see exactly where every individual or organization is within your communication strategy and then be reminded about who you need to reply to or follow up with. Therefore, there’s no endlessly scanning multiple inboxes in order to try and find where it is that you were last talking to someone or unintentionally forgetting to follow up with someone who doesn’t respond to your initial outreach.

Within only a couple of minutes, you’re able to know exactly what needs to be done in order to bring your communication tasks up to date. This provides you with more time to dedicate to other important tasks.

It’s User Friendly

While there are countless marketing and sales systems out there that nonprofits can use, they’re not all made equal. Sadly, the vast majority of them are specifically designed to be used by marketing and sales professionals who have a deep understanding of industry best practices.

But there are very few nonprofits who will actually have people with these backgrounds working for them, especially when it comes to smaller nonprofits. In fact, a lot of their workforce is volunteers who just want to contribute to the nonprofit any way that they can and have never received any sort of specialized training. So in order to be of any value to a nonprofit, a marketing and sales platform needs to be easily understood by the average person.

Luckily, the HubSpot system is built with simplicity in mind. Even if you have never used one of these systems before, you’ll be able to have a firm understanding of the HubSpot tools in no time at all. Plus, if you need any additional help trying to figure out how to make the most out of your HubSpot user experience, then you can check out the free resources within the HubSpot Academy. These informative courses are able to pack tons of valuable information into a short online seminar so that anyone can become a HubSpot pro even without an in-depth background in marketing or sales.

It Doesn’t Cost a Cent

As previously mentioned, nonprofits are not rolling in money. Therefore, when it comes to finding things like a CRM platform, they need to make sure not to spend too much money. Otherwise, there will be fewer funds to other parts of their organization which might really need it. This is something that HubSpot is able to help with since it’s not just affordable, it’s free.

Most other free CRMs that you might be able to find online will likely be a skeleton program that only offer the most basic essentials. And even then, it’s not guaranteed that they will always work properly. However, HubSpot offers you an astonishing amount of very useful features and doesn’t charge you a single cent for it.

You are going to be able to connect your various email accounts, sync your contacts, and manage various other tasks all within the same system without needing to pay anything. So as a nonprofit, you can have a totally free CRM that gives you everything you could possibly want while allowing you to direct your limited funds to the areas that need it most.

It is for all of these reasons and much more that you should turn towards HubSpot CRM when you are in need of some help managing your customer relationships. And if you’re looking for additional help with your marketing and sales strategies, then don’t be afraid to reach out to our team today.

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