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4 Website Pages That You Should Have But Probably Don't

7-minute read

When you think of the average website, you likely picture it with only having somewhere between five to eight pages. However, the truth is that a website with such a limited number of webpages will not perform very well at all. As most web developers will tell you, a good website needs so much more than that. In fact, it is estimated that by having over 50 pages on a website, a company can end up generating up to 48 percent more traffic.

But not just any set of webpages will do. There need to be certain pages, such as blog articles and landing pages, that are included on any SME’s website if they want to be as successful as possible. While every website is very likely going to have a homepage, services/products page, and contact page, there are plenty of others that are highly recommended for any business. If you want a website with a successful design, then here are a few webpages that you probably haven’t included but you absolutely should.

Testimonials Page

Consumers are interested in what other people have to say, especially when it concerns a business that they are considering doing business with. That is why you need to make it very easy to find any reviews that you have from past clients.

If you have not been collecting these for some reason, then that will be your first step in this process. Once you have collected a handful of reviews, they will then need to be put on your website. Some companies make the mistake of just including a couple of reviews somewhere in the lower half of their homepage, which is better than nothing, but it is still not good enough.

This is because no matter what kind of services or products you are offering your customers/clients, the only way they often have to confirm the quality of your company’s work is to read through the opinions of other people who have done business with you in the past. Therefore, if you are able to provide this information to them on a separate testimonials page, then it will make it easier to find and will cause visitors to trust your company even more.

But the number of testimonials that you have is almost as important as where you put them on your site. When you reach the point where you have over eight reviews, it begins to improve your website’s SEO performance and you can even discover product insights when you have over 100 reviews. With this many reviews, it becomes inevitable to have a testimonial, which is why you need to develop one right away and then start gathering up those reviews.

Page Not Found Page

When a customer searches for something on your website but comes across an error page, it can be a very frustrating thing. This is especially true if they are just met with a standard error page that contains the bland message and nothing else. Rather than hitting the back button to try and get back to the previous page that they were just on, they are much more likely to just click on the little “x” and leave your site altogether. You want to do everything in your power to make sure that this doesn’t happen, which is why having a customized page “not found” page can be so handy.

This allows you to create your own unique message to display when this happens and include features that will help to maximize the chances of a visitor continuing to process through your website even after dealing with this page. For example, if you make this page include a search bar at the top or a list of other suggested pages on your site, then it will make it a lot less frustrating to have the experience of a “page not found” message popping up.

Privacy Policy Page

Data privacy is a major concern right now and it is effecting a lot of the choices that consumers make. While people are getting more and more comfortable with the idea of websites collecting their data, they are still interested in knowing what is going to be done with it.

It is estimated that about 79 percent of American adults are actively concerned about what companies are doing with the data that is collected about them. In order to help put their minds at ease, you need to make sure that you are including a privacy policy page that goes through exactly what data you will be collecting and what you will be doing with it once you obtain it.

Once people know this information, they are going to feel much more comfortable using your website and will also help to make them trust your company slightly more. The consequences of this should show up in the form of a higher conversion rate and more positive visitor interactions. That is why you should make sure to include a privacy policy page and put the link to it in the footer of your website so that visitors don’t have to scour your entire site to find it.

Frequently Asked Questions Page

No matter what kind of company you run, there are going to be a few questions that new customers and clients ask you over and over again. If these are general questions like “Do you offer this service?” or “How soon can I get this done?”, then you should take the initiative to answer these questions before they even get a chance to ask it.

The best way to do this is through a frequently asked question (FAQ) page. This gives you the opportunity to include a list of some of the most commonly asked questions about your company and then the answers to each of these questions. Many people will not go through the efforts of calling or emailing you to get these answers so by having this information readily available on a FAQ page, it helps to make them more likely to convert to a customer/client.

By including these four pages on your website, you can help to obtain a higher conversion rate and a higher number of visitors. Make sure that your website is designed to be the best that it can be by contacting our team of professional web developers today.

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