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4 Tips for Creating the Perfect Company Blog

Girl creating the perfect blog
7-minute read

What does it take to create a successful online business? The standard answers often include hard work, determination, a high-quality product or service, and a beautiful and user-friendly website. However, there is one more item that is often overlooked but should be added to the list, which is having a company blog.

The power of blogging is something that has become undeniable nowadays. This is especially true for businesses since blogging can lead to getting 67 percent more leads each month and countless other great benefits. But the problem is that just having any blog will not be enough to reap the benefits. Instead, you need to make sure that it is an incredible blog that can compete with the other 600 million ones that exist on the internet.

How exactly do you accomplish this? That’s what we’re here to help explain by providing you with these four easy tips on how to create and maintain the perfect company blog.

Have a Consistent Posting Schedule

One of the worst things that someone can do when it comes to blogging is having a haphazard uploading schedule where they might post multiple times in one week and then have nothing new for a couple of months. You’d be surprised to learn just how quickly a blog can become stale and lose a large chunk of its value.

For example, if you have a box or form that encourages people to subscribe to your company blog, then you will have a very low chance of getting to sign up for updates when they see that you’ve only posted two or three times in the past six months. Therefore, you need to make sure that you set up a posting schedule from the very beginning and then try your best to stick to that schedule.

Ideally, this schedule should include uploading a new blog post at least twice a week. But even more important than the frequency is the consistency. So even if your company blog schedule is only going to include one new post a month, then you need to make sure that you are uploading every single month and preferably keep it around the same date each month.

Do Keyword Research for Each Post

Any online business should already know the value of sprinkling some popular keywords throughout a piece of written content. Well, the same should apply to a company’s blog posts. For any topic, there are going to be certain keywords that have been shown to perform very well online and will help the post become better in terms of its SEO performance.

But determining what these keywords are is going to take a little bit of research before writing any new blog posts. Luckily, there are a wide variety of online keyword research tools that are specifically designed to help marketers determine what the top trending keywords are so that they can then sprinkle them throughout the new blog posts.

Write Longer Blog Posts

Another common thing that people overlook when trying to set up and run their own company blog is the length of the content that they are writing. A lot of companies tend to make creating content and managing the blog a side job for an already full-time employee of theirs. What this does is severely limit the amount of time that someone can dedicate to creating new blog posts.

As a result, they are often much shorter and consist of a clever title, a quick intro, maybe a few bullet points that are accompanied by a paragraph or two, and then a closing sentence with a CTA. All in all, this might end up being blog posts of about 500 words or even less.

It is hard to pack a sufficient amount of value into such a short article. That is why it is recommended that a company make their blog posts at least 2,000 words.

But something that many businesses fail to understand about this word count is that it should never be reached just for the sake of reaching it. What this means is that stretching out content in order to get to 2,000 words is never recommended. Instead, you should try and pick topics that you know well enough to easily write 2,000 words about.

And if there is a topic that you know well but is not in-depth enough to get to 2,000 words, then don’t be afraid to cut that post short at only 1,500 or even 1,000 words. Even though these posts might be a bit shorter than the recommended length, they are at least going to be packed full of valuable information that will resonate more with the audience.

So always make sure that quality comes first but also try and create long-form content that averages out to be about 2,000 words. By doing so, it will help your content to achieve an optimal SEO performance, which leads to more views and more potential leads.

Add Some Visuals to the Posts

No one likes staring at a giant wall of text. That’s why you need to ensure that you are making your blog posts so much more by also incorporating various visuals.

This doesn’t necessarily need to occur in all cases though. For example, if you are writing a quick update post that comes to 500 words or less, then an added visual component, besides the standard header image, likely isn’t necessary.

However, the longer content will need some great visuals to help break up the text and keep the audience engaged. This can be a stock photo, a custom infographic, or even a video. It doesn’t really matter, just as long as it is high-quality and makes sense in the context of the article.

By following these tips, it can help you create a company blog that really resonates with your audience and helps improve your business performance.

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